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Municipal Market, Kastellorizo Island, Greece

Nicoletta Fiorucci, Frieda Tchacos (Project Assignment)

Plan of the Municipal Market

Elevation of side benches of the Market


Monument Architectural and Restoration Survey / Project Supervision




Fotini Chalvantzi (Architect Engineer), Konstantinos Toubakaris (Civil Engineer)

The Municipal Market of Kastellorizo was constructed in1934-1935 during the Italian occupation in “Kavoulatsi” precinct on the waterfront to house the fish and meat markets. Made of reinforced concrete, it features benches of granilia, a kind of mosaic decorative cement. In recent decades the lack of maintenance and the immediate proximity to the sea led to the gradual oxidation of the reinforcement of the central bench resulting in its partial collapse.  


The rescue operations initially concerned the central bench fastening the collapsed part and the extensive improvement of the oxidised reinforcement. After the manufacture of laboratory samples, an appropriate mix of ingredients was chosen to fill in the lost parts of the granilia bench. The procedure was extended to the side benches of the meat market whose initial composition had been altered.

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