Οθωμανικό Λουτρό (Χαμάμ) στο Καστελλόριζο
Φίλοι του Καστελλόριζου (Ανάθεση Έργου)
Οθωμανικό Λουτρό (Χαμάμ) στο Καστελλόριζο
Φίλοι του Καστελλόριζου (Ανάθεση Έργου)
“Vallianos Family” Mansion, Cephalonia Island, Greece
Hellenic Society for the Environment and Culture Heritage (Study Assignment)

The “Sotira” Archive
“Open Day”: Workshop of Museological Inventorying and Preventive Conservation at the "Sotiria" Museum. A donation of the Eugenides Foundation

It has been projected at the Sotiria Museum in the context of the “Open Day” occasion: Workshop of Museological Inventorying and Preventive Conservation
Audiovisual Production / Duration 2'05''
Ifigenia Dimitriou (Director/Photography), Asimina Grigoriou (Archaeologist-Museologist), Adia Adamopoulou (Antiquities and Artworks Conservator)
The “Sotiria” Archive refers to the personal belongings of tubercular patients, who ended up in Sotiria Hospital, during the years 1937-1981, and have never been searched by their relatives. These items were discovered by chance in November 2015, during maintenance works at the Hospital’s Laundry Building, and they were directly taken over by the “Sotiria” Museum. The discovery of these objects coincided with the beginning of the Museological Study of the “Sotiria” Museum. As a result, some of them have been included in the study, while from May to July 2018, preparatory studies of documentation and preventive conservation were carried out for the total of the Archive. An audiovisual production, has been presented at the event “Open Day” of the “Sotiria” Museum, as the result of the video recording of various phases during the inventorying, documentation and conservation of the “Sotiria” Archive..